Holiday Gift Ideas for Elderly and Disabled People

  These simple gift ideas for elderly or disabled people in your life can make Christmas shopping much easier to manage… The holidays can be stressful as you make your way down your shopping list in time for the big day. Home Access Products has some suggestions on buying for the elderly and disabled, [...]

How Do I Create a Wheelchair Accessible Entrance In Time For Thanksgiving?

Creating a wheelchair accessible entrance to your home in time for Thanksgiving is probably easier than you might think… You’ve got the meal all planned out, and the major trip to the grocery store completed. You’re ready to soak in some football with the family, and you’re even prepared for Uncle Bob’s predictable political [...]

Tips for an Accessible Home During the Holidays

If you or someone you know has issues with aging, disability or chronic illness, then getting around the home may be more difficult than it is for others. It is for this reason why the home should be made more accessible and in this article we will outline some of the ways in which to [...]