Creating an Accessible Bathroom Without a Remodel

An accessible bathroom is crucial for any home with a senior or disabled resident. When someone loses aspects of their mobility, there are often activities in their daily life that are taken for granted. Simple tasks like showering, bathing or even using the toilet present unforeseen challenges. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [...]

3 Tips to Slow Down Aging

Many individuals want to look great on a regular basis, and there can be many ways in which to do this. The modern lifestyle now says that we need to look great and feel great, and it is also a good idea to be healthy and focus on looking younger. In this article, we will [...]

How to Help Parents That Live Alone

For the majority of families, there comes a time when a decision needs to be made about where an elderly relative will live, but it can often be hard to know whether youre making the right choice. If youre caring for an elderly person and youre not sure whether living alone at an old age [...]

Top 5 Ideas on How to Deal with Aging as a Woman

Getting old is a drag, and many women do not easily come to terms with the fact that their good looks and youthfulness are deserting them. This leads to tension and all sorts of problems that come with aging. However, this does not have to define how you have to deal with aging and the [...]

Proven Ways of Slowing Down The Aging Process

As you are getting older, your body experiences a series of changes (grey hair, memory loss and lower psychical capacity). You have to face it with reality. You can not stop the aging process. There is absolutely no way that you can stop aging. But, you can slow it down by taking care of your [...]

Revealed: 4 Warning Signs of Depression for the Elderly

Depression is an unfortunate and commonly overlooked condition afflicting many seniors. As social beings, we require a sense of purpose and conversational stimulation for optimal mental health. Unfortunately, a majority of seniors may no longer have the same social relationships they once had- , family may be unable to check-in regularly or may not live [...]

Aging in Place Resolutions for 2015

As the new year approaches, people of all ages are taking this time to evaluate the past year and prepare for the year ahead. One of the smartest things you can do to plan for the upcoming year is to consider how you plan on addressing your aging. No matter how far off it seems, [...]

Tips for a Fun Holiday Gathering for All Ages

The holidays are a perfect time for family members of all ages to come together and enjoy spending quality time together. With multiple generations gathering in one place, it can be tricky to plan holiday gatherings that are fun and safe for everyone involved. Heres how you can accommodate senior guests at your house so that they [...]

What To Do If You Fall During Winter

The temperature drops, snow starts to fall, and just like that, winter is in full swing. But with the beautiful glistening snow comes a higher risk for slips and falls among elderly people living at home.More snow and ice makes for slippery sidewalks and outdoor steps, and its easy for a senior to take one misstep [...]